ABE Super Laykold 5L
super laykold is a rubberised bitumen emulsion, which is used together with abe® membrane to provide a liquid waterproofing system. super laykold is koi fish friendly.
recommended in various areas:
- Flashings
- Parapet walls
- Flat roof waterproofing areas
- Sealing joints, laps and roofing screws on corrugated roofs
- May be used in areas of total water immersion
- is an all-in-one system. There is no need for separate primers (apart from metal surfaces).
- It has excellent adhesion and is tough, ?exible and non-toxic.
- Suitable for use in potable water conditions.
- Ideal for use in koi ponds.
The first coat (all surfaces after priming):
Brush or roll on a thick coat (0.75 L/m2) and embed the abe® membrane well into the wet coating. On flat surfaces, it is recommended to use a fluted aluminium roller for this purpose. Membrane overlaps should be a minimum of 100 mm on end laps and 75 mm on side laps.
Second coat:
When the first coat has dried sufficiently to take working traffic (2 – 3 hours), apply a second coat of super laykold (0.75 L/m2) to ensure the membrane is completely saturated, and allow to dry.
Third coat:
Apply a final coat of super laykold (0.6 L/m2) to give a smooth finish.
Note: If super laykold is used in a koi pond or dam, allow to dry for 14 days. Flush with clean water before filling.
2.1 L/m2 – full system.